Membership Details
In order to become an official registered BMES member, you will need to follow the steps below:
BMES is now using a points system for all members, please see the BMES Membership Points System section below for information.
- Subscribe to our mailing list here to receive our weekly newsletter
- Pay Dues
- Become a national BMES member by registering online and paying the $30 annual membership fee at
- Once all has been completed, please screenshot your receipt and complete the form found here.
- Pay local fees for our UIC chapter. Local fees are $15 per student. See details on the form above to have these fees waived.
- In the event that you are not able to pay fees at this time, we still welcome you as a member of our student org and hope you attend our events and participate in our initiatives. Please fill out the form above anyways while noting this. Thank you!
- Attend events, join our Discord, make friends, join You & Me in BME, and take advantage of all we have to offer!
- Explore our website for relevant materials and our linktree for more action links:

Check out live point tracker here! Heading link
Feel free to contact our secretary with any inquires.
BMES Membership Points System Heading link
General Rules
- Members will earn 1 point for every hour of BMES involvement including projects, volunteering, and otherwise selected events hosted by other organizations deemed relevant to BMES goals.
- Every GBM attended is 2 points
- Students who sign-up for an event and do not show will lose 1 point for every hour committed and not followed through.
Benefits of Official Membership
- Resume rights (adding volunteer work, being a mentor, etc.)
- Discounted conference registration
- Ability to run for the UIC BMES board
- Being considered a full BMES member by UIC and the National Society
- Prizes –>
- Each month, the member having earned the most points will receive recognition by the BMES board on social media as the Member of the Month.
- Points will be taken into consideration when selection for involvement is necessary. For example, if seats are limited for an event, members who have earned more points will be prioritized.
- At the end of the school year, Seniors with more or equal to 80% of all possible BMES points will receive graduation cords.
- At the end of the school year, nongraduating students with more or equal to 80% of all possible BMES points will receive waived local registration fees for the next school year.
- At the end of the Fall 2021 Semester, the member with the highest # points will win a free national BMES Membership and gift bag.
How to get involved: Heading link
UIC Chapter Become a BMES member by subscribing to our weekly mailing list and attend events that we have to offer. To become an official member, join through UIC Connection.
National Chapter Follow the instructions at the top of the page in order to become a National member of BMES.